My name is Michael “Mike D.” Diatalevi, aka The Liberal Missionary. While a longer origin story is in the making, this is the “too long, didn’t read” version. The Liberal Missionary was born out of 44 years of trying to figure out the meaning of life (with the utmost respect to The Pythons). From an early childhood of Roman Catholicism, to an adolescence of life by example from the mother of all mothers (naturally aside from your mother, of course), to a young adult Christian Evangelical, to being a Christian Evangelical Missionary with Youth With a Mission and then a follower of Reformed Theology to finally here ⸺ where I believe the Bible contains at least some of the words of God and the only sin being causing harm to another or allowing another to be harmed when you can prevent it. I also believe your life is guided and there is no such thing as free will. The “Church Universal” in The United States has lost its way and I am compelled to call them back. Another voice in the wilderness with so many others.
Important note: Unlike Donald, this website will never act on “people are saying.” There will always be proof.
Shop note: All products for sale in The Liberal Missionary Shop are fulfilled by Gelato, a “direct to garment” design studio that partners with bloggers and others to produce high-quality custom merchandise on demand with fast delivery. In order to promote the site, I’ve kept the profit to less than $2 an item so y’all are going to have to collectively buy a million t-shirts over the next 4 years if I hope to retire in 2 1/2 years and not eat beans more than 3 days a week.
Side note: If you’ve seen me around town I already know I drive too aggressively and it is being addressed as good as can be. For now, get out of the way*! Here’s where to find Texas approved driving schools in the event I told you to get lessons. No bullshit here!
* Credit for “For now get out of the way” goes to my co-worker Abdallah, who was spot-on with his suggestion.
Mike D. and the Others Who Make it Happen

The Liberal Missionary

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