In this video from Tech Revolution you will see how Donald Trump has totally fucked the United States in the world market. We are not alone on this planet and Donald Trump has firmly aligned us with the fascist minority block of Russia, North Korea, Iran, and other countries where the people exist for the elite in the government. Everything Donald Trump is doing is in line with project 2025 and designed to put the country in the hands of a few rich, white, MEN. And they will do this for profit at a cost of the livelihoods and lives of millions. So Elon, Bezos, and the others can have a little more.

There is NO going back. It is now the world acting in unison against us instead of following our lead. We are no longer the world leaders. We will NEVER get that back. That is 100% due to Donald Trump and his exclusionary policies. We are not the end all.

Because of Donald Trump, the United States has been removed from our spot at the “head of the world table.” We have proven our leadership to be faulty. We have failed to figure out that our own god damn people matter more than profit and that the people of the world are our people and their well being is our responsibility as the world leader. But we failed. And now our time is done. The world has done as they must and united against us. Wiping out our bullshit is the only hope for mankind. The “great businessman” Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and the rest of the American Oligarchs were too short sited to see and didn’t listen to those with the knowledge. EVERYTHING exists for humanity and for humanity’s joy and prosperity. Humanity doesn’t exist to consume your products. YOU exist for humanity. It’s time you people figure that out before we’re excluded altogether.

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