
God help the U.S.A. While I respect and honor the service of all Veterans, I must question the integrity of those Veterans who voted for Donald in 2024. You are losers to him and you do not vote for the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, one who thinks you are losers. For the next four years those of you that voted for Donald are losers. Your service to your country is thrown right out the door for you to have shit on it by electing as your leader one who thinks you’re a loser. President bone spur indeed. May God have mercy on all Veterans and on all of America. He gave you what you wanted. Now pay your dues, loser. Click anywhere for the rest of the story. Namaste.

Remember 2016?

Remember in 2016 when Donald made fun of handicapped people? That was 8 years ago and he was too old to do the job right then, never mind now. Well, this is the first of many posts over the next four years to point out the greatest mistake of the United States of America (not America, mind you. The United States of America. Most of America wasn’t involved and I will go to great lengths to make the separation clear out of respect to Canada, Mexico, South and Central.) While the goal of this site is to reach out to the Church Universal, there are many others who have messages they need to hear and they too will find there time in theses pages. As a U.S. Navy Veteran myself it breaks my heart that the Commander in Chief to be got elected by Veterans who know for a fact he thinks they are losers. There is nothing anyone could do to gain my allegiance who had that opinion of me. It is truly sad so many Veterans lack integrity. Namaste.

My Very First Official Video

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