Welcome, Church Universal, USA!

(And other curious members of society.)

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Rediscover an old perspective on Christianity and faith.

Consider me “Balaam’s Donkey*”

My name is Michael Diatalevi a.k.a. “Mike D.” and I am the Liberal Missionary. I’m not a church. But I speak to the Church Universal (anyone who proclaims Christ⸺Gal 3:28) in the United States, who time will tell if they fulfilled Revelation 13:4 when they voted to put Satan on the throne as President of The United States, in spite of God Himself showing them Donald Trump’s and the Republican Party’s true nature for eight years. I will not let you say you didn’t know. You know. I’m telling you. Because if I didn’t, rocks would cry out. I am not a prophet. I do not speak for God but because of God. I only repeat that which has already been revealed. Just another voice in the wilderness. May you see the light. Namaste.

*Numbers 22:21-39

Easter Sunday March 31, 2024. Didn’t work. They STILL supported Donald. With full knowledge.

What does “Namaste” mean?

The original meaning is an honorific from ancient Hindu used for elders and people deserving of respect. It literally means “I bow to the divine in you” and I use it through out the site with the utmost respect to all of the visitors of the site. I see the divine in you and I respect that divine. Namaste.

A Voice in the Wilderness

My blog. And my most recent posts below.

Take a Stand for Truth and Justice

Stand with me against injustice.